
Happening Weekend- March 14-16

Happening is a weekend event for youth in grades 10-12 which is focused on encountering Christ within community and learning how to strengthen our relationship with Christ and each other. The weekend is structured on a program which is governed by the National Happening Committee. Each diocese with a Happening program develops its own local flavor and traditions. Each weekend is basically the same program, with variations due to the individuals who make up the team. One only “makes” one Happening weekend, but can participate as a team member on subsequent weekends.

The Happening Committee, which is a sub-committee of the DYLC, oversees these weekends. Those serving on this committee, youth and adults, must have attended a Happening weekend. The Rector and Big Brother/Big Sister and the most recent past and future youth and adult leadership are members of this committee. This committee meets before each weekend to select leadership for the next event and to evaluate the previous event. They also make policy decisions and set dates for subsequent meetings, weekends, reunions and staff training days. 
2/24/2014 Happening #71 Candidate Applications Due

3/14-3/16 Happening #71 6pm (Fri) - 5 pm (Sun) Gravatt