
Middle School Ecumenical Opportunity 10.2.13

Hello Family,

St. John’s Middle Schoolers have a great opportunity for a fun retreat in a great setting, and ecumenical fellowship. We have been invited by Pastor David Jones and Shandon Presbyterian Church to join their youth on the Trinity Presbytery Black Mountain Middle School Retreat. Below is letter from Pastor David that includes the information on the retreat. Please, consider being a part of this great retreat. If you decide to be a part of the Trinity Presbytery Black Mountain Middle School Retreat, please, let me know. I guarantee it will be a fun experience, with lots of personal growth, and life time connections.


Hello St. John’s Youth,

I would like to invite your youth group to attend the Trinity Presbytery Black Mountain Middle School Retreat to be held November 8-10, 2013 at the YMCA Blue Ridge Assembly in Black Mountain, NC. The keynote speaker will be Rev. Steve Lindsley, Pastor at Mt. Airy Presbyterian Church in Mt. Airy, NC, and music will be led by Semih Sendur, the Music Leader for Eastminster Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC’s Jubilee service. After much planning, the recreation events, small groups, skits and energizers will be led by the talented youth of the Trinity Presbytery Youth Council.

Our theme this fall is “On Beyond Fear” and will focus on what it means to have the courage to step out in faith and trust in God as we are commanded in Isaiah 41:10: “Do not fear, for I am with you, do not be afraid, for I am your God; I will strengthen you , I will help you , I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” This retreat will have a common thread of using Dr. Suess books to help illustrate our weekend Theme including “What Was I Afraid Of?”, “The Sneetches,” “The Lorax,” and “On Beyond Zebra.” Rev. Lindsley will use these four stories to talk to us about what fear is and how we can overcome it by relying on Christ in our daily walk through life.

This year we are pleased to offer an early registration period. The schedule is as follows…

Monday, October 14th : Early Registration Deadline ($120/person).

Monday, October 28th : Registration Deadline ($145/person).

Monday, November 4th: Late Registrations will be considered on a case by case basis no later than 5pm. No individual or group registrations can be accepted after this date.

A registration brochure is attached for distribution to your youth

Thank you for your support of Trinity Presbytery Youth Council and our activities. We look forward to seeing you in Black Mountain!

Rev. David Jones, II, Adult Moderator

Rev. Jeff Smith, Eastminster Pres.

Megan McMillan, Lake Murray Pres.

Emily Mooneyhan, Providence Pres.

Bill Wannamaker, Forest Lake Pres.