
Welcome To EYC

Dear All,
We would like to welcome you to another year of Episcopal Young Churchmen (EYC), and tell you that there will be lots going on at St. John’s this year.  St. John’s is putting emphasis on fun, education, and faith in our EYC programing.  The calendar for the year should be out shortly, and will be emailed for your convenience.  It will also appear on our website, on the youth blog, and on Facebook. 
I am Chad Reis, and I would like to introduce myself to you and your family as the new youth minister at St.  John’s Episcopal Church, Shandon.  I have a calling for youth work and Christian education.  I have completed a Master in Divinity from the University of the South, and have taken multiple classes in children and young adult ministry.  I’ve taught Confirmation, Christian history, and theology classes. I’ve led Bible studies, and am an Education for Ministry mentor.  If you have any questions about me or St. John’s EYC, please, do not hesitate to contact me.  Suggestions are always welcome, as well.
Chad C. Reis
Director of Youth Ministries
St. John's Episcopal Church
2827 Wheat Street
Columbia, SC 29205
(t) 803.799.4767
(c) 610.509.9146