
Caroling and Partying

Grace and peace!

Advent Greetings and Merry Christmas! EYC Caroling and the Christmas Party were great fun. It was a bit windy and cold, but we brought some Christmas joy and warmth to a few homes around St. John's. One of the highlights was singing Away in a Manger to a family with a brand new baby. That was very cool. There were also a few goofy moments, but that is always expected and welcomed!

The party was great fun...lots and lots of food. We went through 300 wings! The Reindeer Games provided many good laughs. We did some Human Gift Wrapping, made reindeer antlers, and made some Whipped Cream Santas. Below are some great pictures of our adventures.

We also had a brief chat about Advent and Christmas to close out the evening. Our youth community is a wonderful community and we are blessed in many ways. We talked about how Advent is the preparation for the coming of the Christ, and how Christmas is a celebration of God's greatest gift to the world and humankind. We also talked about how we are called to share this gift (and the many gifts and blessings we have in our lives). We talked about ways to share our blessings and share our lives in Christ with others.

And so, have a wonderful holiday season. May your families experience the presence of Jesus during Advent and Christmas. Thanks to everyone who came to hang out and have great time...we'll see you all again soon!
