
Christian Education/Sunday Morning Curriculum for Youth

Faith, Family, and Ducks: The Senior High class (9th-12th) will explore the how Faith, Family, and Ducks built a Duck Dynasty! With the help of episodes of the A & E series "Duck Dynasty," we'll explore how the Robertson family built their empire on solid Biblical principles and learn how to apply the same principles to our daily lives. The discussions will be informal, entertaining, and most importantly, meaningful. Camouflage attire is not required!!! Sundays; 10:15 – 11:00 am, in the Senior High Classroom.

Your Faith, Your Life: Confirmation is for any Baptized Christian who is at least a Junior in High School, or the age of 17. Confirmation is about choices – making a mature commitment to what we understand to be the teachings of the Episcopal Church, a mature commitment to what we understand to be a Christian in the greater community, and most importantly to make a mature commitment to Jesus Christ. The Confirmation Class will explore these choices through Jenifer Gamber and Bill Lewellis’s You Faith Your Life. This curriculum is geared toward adult learning, and we will be looking at many aspects of what it means to be an Episcopalian. Rather than focusing on concrete principals, and “memorizing and forgetting the correct answers for the test,” we will focus on what is challenging about the tradition of the Christian Church, Scripture, and current reason and understanding to each Confirmand’s personal faith. Sunday, 10:15 – 11:00 am, in “new” Confirmation room.

Beginning the Journey to Maturity in Christ: The Middle School Class (6th – 8th) will explore what it mean to be entering the beginning of the most important and formative years of their lives. This program will assist our young people as they begin to take their first steps of independence from their families into their own lives. We will celebrate the amazing creative power and potential of these young people, and create a safe haven in which to explore new ideas, new interests, and new abilities – all in the light of Jesus Christ and Scripture. Sunday, 10:15 – 11:00 am, in the Middle High Classroom.

St. John's Youth 2013-2014 T-Shirts Are Printed! 8.21.13


"Welcome Back to EYC" Picnic

Hello Family,

Just letting you know that Next Sunday, August 25 @ 12:30 pm, we will be meeting at Emily Douglas Park for the reigniting of the “Welcome Back to EYC” Picnic. The event will end at 2:00 pm and there will be a water fixture on for anyone who wants to get cooled off. It will be a time to relax, fellowship with other St. J’s parishioner, and for youth and parents to get to know me and each other. Pets are allowed as long as they are cleaned up after by their owners. If you have any grills you can bring, we’ve been approved to grill in the park, and I will provide food if you provide the grills! Look forward to seeing you all!

Thanks and welcome back to EYC!


A Welcome Back Sunday Request 9.8.13

Hello Family,
Below is an email that Ashley Jaillette sent to request your service during the Welcome Back Sunday meal.  Please, please, please, consider attending and helping this program go off without a hitch.  I would remind you that we aren’t the only people being asked to serve, but that all committees and guilds that are a part of the St. John’s family are being asked to help as well.  Welcome Back Sunday begins at 10:15 am, but we ask that you arrive at 9:00 am if you are willing to help.

Thank you so much,

I know it still may seem far off but I wanted to send out an email to our youth asking for their participation in Welcome Back Sunday. St. John’s has tasked the Connections group (those in their 20-30’s) with heading up and recruiting help in all aspects to ensure a successful Welcome Back Sunday.  I will try not to beg, but I ask that you all would consider working with our Connections folks the day of the event to deliver food to our tables and make sure the event goes smoothly on that end.  For those of you that may be unfamiliar with Welcome Back Sunday, it is normally held the second Sunday in September and is the kickoff return to three services, restart of Sunday School, and Wednesday night programs for the fall.  This year, we will have a large family style breakfast and food will be walked from the kitchen to your designated tables.  We basically need “servers”.  It would be awesome if I could get at least 15 people to commit.  The labor element would be very small and you would be working alongside our connections folks.  We would ask everyone to arrive at 9am on September 8th so once the 2nd service starts report to the gym and we will assign tables and fill everyone with more specific details at that time.  The breakfast will end about 11am in time for the third service.  I hope you would consider helping us.  If you would let Chad know in the next week or so if you would be available and willing to help I will get the emails of those committed and probably group you with someone from our group.  Thanks in advance for any consideration you could give this.  We would really appreciate it!

Thank you!

Ashley Jaillette