A site for news, events, photos, and stuff for youth at St. John's Episcopal Church in Columbia, SC.
Christian Education/Sunday Morning Curriculum for Youth
Faith, Family, and Ducks: The Senior High class (9th-12th) will explore the how Faith, Family, and Ducks built a Duck Dynasty! With the help of episodes of the A & E series "Duck Dynasty," we'll explore how the Robertson family built their empire on solid Biblical principles and learn how to apply the same principles to our daily lives. The discussions will be informal, entertaining, and most importantly, meaningful. Camouflage attire is not required!!! Sundays; 10:15 – 11:00 am, in the Senior High Classroom.
Your Faith, Your Life: Confirmation is for any Baptized Christian who is at least a Junior in High School, or the age of 17. Confirmation is about choices – making a mature commitment to what we understand to be the teachings of the Episcopal Church, a mature commitment to what we understand to be a Christian in the greater community, and most importantly to make a mature commitment to Jesus Christ. The Confirmation Class will explore these choices through Jenifer Gamber and Bill Lewellis’s You Faith Your Life. This curriculum is geared toward adult learning, and we will be looking at many aspects of what it means to be an Episcopalian. Rather than focusing on concrete principals, and “memorizing and forgetting the correct answers for the test,” we will focus on what is challenging about the tradition of the Christian Church, Scripture, and current reason and understanding to each Confirmand’s personal faith. Sunday, 10:15 – 11:00 am, in “new” Confirmation room.
Beginning the Journey to Maturity in Christ: The Middle School Class (6th – 8th) will explore what it mean to be entering the beginning of the most important and formative years of their lives. This program will assist our young people as they begin to take their first steps of independence from their families into their own lives. We will celebrate the amazing creative power and potential of these young people, and create a safe haven in which to explore new ideas, new interests, and new abilities – all in the light of Jesus Christ and Scripture. Sunday, 10:15 – 11:00 am, in the Middle High Classroom.