
Mark On Your Calendar

Hello Family,

Sunday, February 3, 2013, after each service (7:45, 9:00, 11:15).  The youth of St. John’s EYC, will collect a donation from willing parishioners after each service in cooking pots.  They will wait at the entrance to the narthex.  All Funds collected will go to "The Helping Hands Weekend Food Program."  This program helps cover the cost of meals for 50 impoverished students from Hand Middle School during the weekends.

2/3/13: EYC will be from 5 - 7:30 pm.  Junior High will meet from 5 -6 pm.  Dinner will be from 6 - 6:30 pm, and Senior High will meet from 6:30 - 7:30 pm.  CRASH: There will be football themed games, and a lesson on deep connectivity with God.

2/10/13: EYC will be from 5 - 6:30 pm.  EYC is combined today as we will be having a brief service.  To dust you shall return: We will begin our Lenten observance with a look at the things that separate us from God.  EYC will be helping Mrs. Georgianna Wheeler with the burning of the palms for Ash Wednesday.  As always, there will be fun with our lesson!

2/15 - 2/17/13:  Kanuga Parish Weekend!  The theme this year for Youth is "be still, and know that [He is] God."  We will take time to rest in God's presence and meditate on His faith in us.  Using scripture, poetry, art, and prayers to focus on gathering strength to face all the things that separate us from God.  And, of course, we will set aside some time for some craziness.  Who knows what other insanity will ensue?  Come, find out, and be a part of it all.

Sunday, March 3, 2013 will be ST. J'S CHILI COOK OFF from 5 pm - 7 pm.  This will be a fundraising event for our Youth, to help support events such as our summer mission trips.  Any and all parishioners may submit chili entries.  Prizes will be awarded!  For those who would like to attend there will be a $5 spoon fee: for tasting and voting.  You may purchase multiple spoons.  There will be an alternate menu - something other than chili - for those who prefer to stay away from the chili.  These plates can be purchased separately.  If you wish to submit an entry please contact: Chad C. Reis at ccr@stjohnscolumbia.org or 803-799-4767.

Unorthodox Christianity - Wednesday Nights

Youth Education Program:  Unorthodox Christianity, 5:30 - 6:30 pm, Location: Senior High Classroom

During Lent, the youth will gather on Wednesday evenings to explore what we believe. The youth will look at those who historically didn’t get it quite right, but shaped what we call orthodox Christianity today.  They will review Heretics for Armchair Theologians by Justo L. Gonzalez.  The book is well-written, hilarious, and imaginatively illustrated. This class will introduce our youth to important early church figures whose teachings were denounced by the church as heresies. 
Wednesday Nights start on February 20, 2013


Bishop's Visitation 2.10.13

Hello All,
  On Sunday, February 10, 2013, Bishop Waldo will be visiting St. John's.  During the 11:15 service, 7 of our youth -- Bellinger Boylston, Patrick Kneece, Thomas Law, Austin Lewis, Will Linder, Olivia Sheorn, and Bill Horst -- will be confirmed.  I hope many of you can make it to celebrate this momentous time in the Church. 
  For these 7 confirmands they are affirming the faith that their sponsors proclaimed for them at these confirmands'  baptisms.  They are renewing their baptismal promises.  During their confirmation they will make a mature commitment to Christ and receive continuing strength from the Holy Spirit throughout their lives.  

  Just as we did at their baptisms, we - the congregation - promises to do all in our power to support them in their lives through Christ.  It is also a time for the Congregation to renew their Baptismal Covenant.  Some of you may have been at these confirmands' baptisms.  Many of you were not.  Whichever is the case, I ask you now to attend the 11:15 service and support these confirmands while they make their mature commitment to Christ Jesus.  If you cannot make it, I ask that you lift them in your prayers during this time of transition in their lives.

Updated Blog

Hello Family,
 I hope you enjoy the new and updated St. John's Youth Blog.  Please, look around and comment.  I hope you find it to your liking.  Hopefully, it helps you better understand who we are.


January and February Youth Birthdays

I'd like to take a second and wish a few of St. John's Youth a Happy Birthday:

Wesley Paulman 1/4
Parker Gibson 1/6
Tyler Sandifer 1/24
Allison Jones 2/13
Dargan Lapointe 2/18
Locke Williamson 2/26

If you run into any of them. Remember to give them a LOUD and PROUD - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

"Soup"er Bowl 2.3.13

Hello All,
 Please, click to enlarge.  

On Sunday, February 3, 2013, after each service (7:45, 9:00, 11:15).  The youth of St. John’s EYC, will collect a donation from willing parishioners after each service in cooking pots.  They will wait at the entrance to the narthex. I need youth and parent volunteers to collect donations after each service.  Yes, that includes 7:45 am.  If you can help that would be great!

Note All Funds go to Helping Hands, a program that helps cover the costs for 50 impoverished students from Hand Middle School to be able to eat over the weekends

Chili Cook Off 3.3.13

Please, click to enlarge:


February Newsletter

Please, click to enlarge:



Ski Trip Information for 1/18/2013

Hello All,

Here is the information you need for this weekend's ski trip:
    We will be meeting at St. John's on Friday, January 18 at 4:30 pm.  There is some paperwork that needs to be filled out and permission slips to be signed.  Ann Ruderman will be taking her car, I will be driving the bus.  We will leave St. John's and grab a bite to eat in Columbia before hitting the road to Sugar Mountain.  We should be on the road by 5:30 pm.  It takes about 4 1/2 hours to get there and should get to the Best Western at around 10 pm.  From there we will get our room keys and pack it in for the night.  We will get up at 7 am on Saturday, January 19 and grab breakfast.  We need to be at Sugar Mountain by 8:00 am for group check in, if we're not there by 8 we will lose our place in line and have to wait for a while to check in.  Ski lessons start at 8:30 am, as does early skiing.  We will take a break for lunch, briefly, and then grab a big dinner.  We will be skiing all day, unless you get tired -- then there is a lodge or snow tubing!  The slops close at 10 pm, and we will head back to the Best Western.  We will be getting up at 7:00 am for breakfast, and will head to Boone, NC, around 8:30 am to make it to services at St. Luke's Episcopal Church by 9:00.  From there we will make the long trip home.  We will probably stop for lunch on the way home.

I just spoke on the phone with a representative from Sugar Mountain, she said it's getting colder at Sugar and should be great for skiing this weekend.  It's now cold enough that they can start making their own snow as well.

The Website for St. Luke's is:  http://www.stlukesboone.org/

Also, remember toiletries and warm clothing for three days.  I also have some ski bibs here, but I can't promise they'll fit you.  If they don't a couple pairs of "Long John's" or long underwear under thick jeans works pretty well.  Remember a heavy coat, gloves and hat!


Diocesan Events

Hello All,

The Diocesan Youth Conference at Kanuga is occuring on Friday, February 1 till Sunday, February 3, 2013.  The event is for High school youth in grades 9 - 12.  The cost is $100 per person and includes dinner Friday through lunch on Sunday, overnight accommodations in cabins at Camp Bob, event materials, and a t-shirt.  Youth and chaperones must submit completed registration form with payment to EDUSC by Monday, January 7, 2013.  Forms and online payment are available for your convenience at www.EDUSC.org/youth.

Happening #68 is scheduled for Friday, March 15 - Sunday, March 17, 2013.  Staff applications are due Friday, January 18, 2013, and candidate applications & payment are due Friday, February 15, 2013.  The event is held at Camp Gravatt.  It is a weekend event for youth in grades 10 - 12, which focuses on encountering Christ within community and learning how to strengthen out relationship with Christ and each other.  Interested youth should submit a complete application and $120 registration fee.  Forms are again available for your convenience at www.EDUSC.org/youth

New Beginnings is scheduled for Friday, April 26 - Sunday, April 28, 2013.  This retreat is for grades 6 - 8 and provides opportunities to build new relationships and renew old ones aimed at drawing you into a deeper walk with Christ while exploring new tools of spirituality.  The cost is $75 per person.  Youth and chaperones must submit completed registration form with payment to EDUSC by Monday, March 18, 2o13.  Forms and online payment are available for your convenience at EDUSC.org/youth

I hope you get a chance to enjoy these events,

A Lot of Things to Consider for the New Year

Hello All,
 I hope this Christmas season is finding you healthy and joyous in the coming of our Lord.  Happy New Years as well.  Here are a few things mark down on your calendar:

1)  EYC will be Feast of Lights this Weekend.  Practice for participants is Saturday, January 5, 2013 from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm.  Feast of Lights will be preformed on Sunday, January 6, 2013 beginning at 6:30 pm.  Please get there early.

3) For those of you on the Youth Committee, or who wish to attend, there will be an EYC Youth Committee meeting on Tuesday, January 8, 2013 beginning at 5:30 pm in the Senior High Room.  The meeting usually lasts about an hour.  

4) I will continue to put all information about EYC on the Facebook pages and Blog.  I will begin placing all information on the St. John's Calendar, as well.

5) EYC will occur on Sunday, January 13, 2013 beginning at 5:00 pm until 6:00 pm.  The Activities will highlight Matthew 6:6 - 13, and 2 Corinthians 12:9.  Food will be served after 6:00 pm.  I ask that the Senior High stay after so that we can discuss what Senior High EYC will look like for this year.  

6) The All EYC Ski Trip will be happening Friday, January 18 until Sunday, January 20, 2013.  The cost is $200 per person, and we will be going to Sugar Mountain, NC.  Ski Lessons will be an extra $15.  We will be taking the St. John's bus.  The drive is about 4 hours.  We will be leaving at 5:30 pm on Friday night, January 18.  We will check in Friday night at 10 pm at Sugar Mountain, and then head back to our accommodations at the Best Western near Sugar.  Remember to bring personal hygiene items: toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, etc.  We will hit the slopes at exactly 8:30 am on Saturday, January 20, for ski lessons and skiing.  All meals will need to be paid out of pocket.  We will leave Sunday Morning, January 20, 2013, after Eucharist at a local Episcopal parish.  Full scholarships for the trip are available.  Please, do not hesitate to ask!  There are many spaces left, and chaperones are still needed.  If you are planning to attend please contact me as soon as possible.  Also, if you are attending make sure you email me your shoe size so I can have it on record for shoe rentals of the skis.  I know I said have a check to me, made out to St. John's Episcopal Church, by Thursday, January 10, 2013, but I am pushing the date back to Tuesday, January 15, 2013 to give everyone more time.

7) The Kanuaga Weekend is Friday, February 15 till Sunday, February 17, 2013.  The cost is $95 per person.  Your child can go without you, and there will be a children's cabin.  I will be preparing EYC activities for the weekend.  The kids will have a great time.  I hope to use this as a time of retreat and recharging for our youth, as well.  Chaperones are still needed.

8) Wednesday Nights are beginning again starting Wednesday February 20, 2013 and continuing through Wednesday, March 20, 2013.  I will be teaching during that time, along with Fr. Scott and Fr. Fletcher.  This is a great opportunity for discussion.  This will be an extension of EYC, but will not replace Sunday nights and special events.

9) I am still looking to get to know your families better.  If you would have me, I'd really enjoy visiting you all in your homes for an evening or weekend.  This is a low to no stress occasion.  Just a time to fellowship and grow closer together as a St. John's community.  If you are available to meet for an evening, please contact me.  I look forward to getting to know you all so much better.

10) Sunday School will be beginning again on Sunday, January 6, 2013 at 10:15 am.  The Junior and Senior High will be served pancakes during Sunday School, and then enjoy their lessons for the day.  The curriculum will stay the same for the Junior High - they will continue The Story.  The Senior will be beginning a new curriculum -- Youth Alpha.  We hope that is a more engaging and exploratory for our older kids to really get to the roots of their faith.  I look forward to seeing you all there.

Merry Christmas!