On Sunday, February 10, 2013, Bishop Waldo will be visiting St. John's. During the 11:15 service, 7 of our youth -- Bellinger Boylston, Patrick Kneece, Thomas Law, Austin Lewis, Will Linder, Olivia Sheorn, and Bill Horst -- will be confirmed. I hope many of you can make it to celebrate this momentous time in the Church.
For these 7 confirmands they are affirming the faith that their sponsors proclaimed for them at these confirmands' baptisms. They are renewing their baptismal promises. During their confirmation they will make a mature commitment to Christ and receive continuing strength from the Holy Spirit throughout their lives.
Just as we did at their baptisms, we - the congregation - promises to do all in our power to support them in their lives through Christ. It is also a time for the Congregation to renew their Baptismal Covenant. Some of you may have been at these confirmands' baptisms. Many of you were not. Whichever is the case, I ask you now to attend the 11:15 service and support these confirmands while they make their mature commitment to Christ Jesus. If you cannot make it, I ask that you lift them in your prayers during this time of transition in their lives.