The night was an absolute blast. Thanks to everyone for coming out, and for those of you who weren't able to join us...too bad for you because you really missed out! Great food and good people coming together for fellowship and fun...this was a really awesome intergenerational event that will become a St. John's tradition.
Thanks to all who helped with preparation, set up and clean up...without you we wouldn't have pulled it off. Special thanks to Cliff Moore, Ann Ruderman, all who helped in some type of capacity, and all of our contestants.
Our Contestants were:
The Bourne's
Rick Meacham
Craig Keeney
The Campbell's
Ann Ruderman
Cliff and Jack Moore
Brock Dillard
Will Moore and Bryant Blakeslee, Jr.
Steve McMillan
Brandon Templeton
The Schell's
Adelaide Powell
The Woodrum's
Dorian Del Priore
The Bowers
(I think that's everyone. There was chili coming out of the woodwork!)
The WINNER of the 1st Annual EYC Chili Cook Off is:
Brock Dillard!
Runner-up was Rick Meacham
We had around 85-95 people who attended and we raised a total of $602 for our summer Homeworks mission trips. We have nearly covered our overhead at this point for this summer. Thanks so much for the support and involvement of everyone.