Sun., Mar. 2nd
Come one, come all!
An event for the entire parish.
Any parishioner can submit their chili and compete.
Prizes will be awarded.
$5 per spoon for tasting and voting
This is a fundraiser for the youth summer mission trips with Homeworks.
The Entries:
the Dillard's
the Moore's
the Woodrums
Ann Ruderman
Dorian Del Priore
Janine Lewis
Steve McMillan
Craig Keeney
The Bowers
Robin Campbell
One of our chefs claim that they are going to have any awesome poster to advertise for votes, and another claims that they may just stuff their ballot box. Super competitive stuff! I hope the trash talking doesn't get too bad!
Make sure you are there because it will be an awesome time. Email or call Dorian if know you want to submit a last minute entry. We'll take all challengers.
518-1827 mobile
ps...look in the right hand column for summer mission trip info and deadlines.