
The Living Gallery Drama

On Friday, April 18th (Good Friday) the youth group will be going to Bob Jones University, in Greenville to see a biblical drama.

This Easter, view Christ's sacrifice and triumph through the eyes of the Jewish remnant clinging to the promise of the coming Messiah. The drama is set in Jerusalem in 586 BC. Babylon has conquered Judah, destroyed Jerusalem and taken many prisoners. Their kings have failed to protect their nation and turned away from their God, Jehovah. Their priests have practiced idolatry in the Temple. The Jewish remnant long for the perfect king and the perfect priest, the Messiah, to free them from oppression and restore true worship.
  • The bus will leave at 4:00pm from the St. John’s parking lot, and return at 11:00pm. 
  • Bring money for dinner (we’ll eat on the way there), and wear Sunday attire.
  • 14 tickets and bus seats are available. Contact Ann Ruderman, if you are interested: aruderman@sc.rr.com