Thank you for attending our Family EYC, we had a great turn out and a great time!
Sunday, February 2-
Souper Bowl –
On Sunday, February 2 after each service the youth will
collect Souper Bowl of Caring donations at the entrance to the narthex.
All funds will go to "The Helping Hands Weekend Food Program” to help
provide weekend meals for 50 students from Hand Middle School.
Sunday, February 2 –NO EYC
February 9 – Bowling from 5-7:30 Jr. and Sr. High*
details coming soon
Home Works Mission Trips
Jr. High - Augusta,
GA –June 13 -16, 2014
Brandon Templeton - bctempleton@mmm.com - 803-240-1760
Sr. High - Johns Island, SC – July 20-27, 2014
Cliff Moore –wmcliff@gmail.com - 803-361-8862