Dear Youth and Parents,
St. John’s Youth Group is in a time of
transition. We are actively seeking a new full-time staff person, who will take
over planning and leading our youth programs. In the interim, Fletcher and I
are working together with our Youth Committee and adult volunteers to continue
to offer opportunities for you “to accept God's grace, grow in faith and serve
Christ in the world.” I know that many may be confused and even frustrated by
the recent changes. Please do not hesitate to contact either of us with any
questions or concerns you may have.
Yours in Christ,
Scott Fleischer+
Upcoming Events
Next two Sundays, December 22 & 29:
There will be no EYC these days, because of the up-coming holidays-
Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
Sunday, January 5:
EYC resumes with our regular schedule.
– 2/2/14 – Diocesan Youth Conference (DYC)
Where: Camp Bob, Kanuga, Hendersonville, NC
Who: All High School students
What: Retreat
Cost: $115
*Register Online by January 5, 2014