Hello Family,

There will be EYC this Sunday. The format will be a little different. Instead of meeting Sunday night, the youth group will be meeting at Gravatt for worship and a picnic. I will make sure there will be lots of outside games and balls/frisbees brought along. Also, if you need a ride to Gravatt, I will be driving the bus that way on Sunday morning. Email me or call for more details.
That being said, we will be meeting at 5:00 pm on Thursday, May 2, 2013, in the dining room of St. John’s to pack meals for the Hand Middle School backpack program.
Also, this Saturday at 8:30 am we will be meeting in the St. John's parking lot to volunteer at Harvest Hope until 1 pm (or sooner if we run out of things to pack before then). Note: All EYC age youth can go to Harvest Hope this time!
I hope you can make it!