
DYLC Applications Due February 28, 2013

Hello Family,
  Just a reminder that DYLC (Diocesan Youth Leadership Committee) Applications are due February 28, 2013.  The DYLC is made up of youth people in High School and adults from throughout the diocese.  This group serves as the core leadership for implementing policy, developing procedures, and designing overall structures for diocesan youth ministry for the coming program year and serve on at least one design team for either a Junior or Senior High Diocesan Event.  Members are appointed to serve for a one-year term and may reapply to serve for up to three years.  Those chosen to serve on DYLC are required to attend an orientation meeting May 10-12, 2013.  See Link:  DYLC Application

Faith & Family with the Charlotte Bobcats - A Concert and Basketball game

Hello All,

  Just a reminder that EYC will be headed to the Time Warner Cable Arena in Charlotte, NC, for a night of fun and fellowship.  The night will begin with a concert by Christian recording artist Sanctus Real.  Following the concert, we will be watching the Charlotte Bobcats take on the Denver Nuggets.  We will meet at St. John's at 1 pm on Saturday, February 23, 2013 (This Saturday).  It will be an all afternoon event and we will probably arrive home between 10 and 11 pm.  The cost is free to everyone, but there is only a supply of 20 tickets.  Friends are welcome to come - Please, just let me know who you are bringing.  Please, bring money for food.  We will stop for dinner between the concert and the basketball game.


"Soup"er Bowl Update

Hello All,
 I want to thank all of our youth that helped during the Souper Bowl of Caring on Sunday, February 3, 2013.  I also want to thank those who generously donated to the cause.  The St. John's Family raised close to $700 for our Helping Hands: Hand Middle School Backpack ministry.  This ministry helps cover the cost of meals for 47 impoverished students who attend Hand Middle School, so that they can afford to eat on the weekends.  Again, thank you so much for your generosity with time and donations.

Diocesan Event Information

Hello Family,
Kellie Wilson sent me a lengthy email, with lots of attachments.  Here is the things that you need to know:

1)  Happening Candidate and Sponsor Forms Due February 15th. 
Happening is a weekend event for youth in grades 10-12 which is focused on encountering Christ within community and learning how to strengthen their relationship with Christ and each other. Youth interested in participating in Happening #69, which is March 15-17, 2013, should complete this application and return with $120 to Kellie Wilson, 1115 Marion St., Columbia, SC. Sponsors may be any previous participant of Happening, Vocaré or Cursillo or an adult who has been a spiritual mentor to you, such as a Youth Minister, youth leader or godparent.

2)  Happening #68 Reunion
February 16th from 10am-12 pm at All Saints Episcopal Church in Clinton, SC. All candidates and staff from Happening #68 are invited! For more information, contact Elizabeth Jarrett at jarette@cces.org .

3)  Provincial IV Youth Event – Middle School (PYEMS) 
Come be a part of an amazing week with middle school youth from all over the south, June18-22, 2013, at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Our theme for the week will be “Beacon of HOPE, FAITH AND LIGHT.” We will serve with the “Hearts of Palm Mission.” Participants need to have completed the 6th-8th grade. Youth groups should provide 1 adult chaperone for every 5 youth participating. Cost is $475 per person. To register, youth ministers should meet these deadlines by providing the following information to Kellie Wilson, 1115 Marion St. Columbia, SC  29201

February 21st
§  Youth Ministers by this date should submit the following:
§  $240 per person
§  Number of spots needed
§  A statement telling us whether or not you can provide your own transportation.
March 18th
§  $235 per person due,
§  PYEMS application for each participant (attached)
§  Individual Registration Form for each participant. (attached)
4)  DYLC Applications Due February 28th 
The Diocesan Youth Leadership Committee is made up of young people in High School and adults from throughout the diocese.  This group serves as the core leadership for implementing policy, developing procedures, and designing overall structure for diocesan youth ministry for the coming program year and serve on at least one design team for either a Junior or Senior High Diocesan Event.  Members are appointed to serve for one-year terms and may reapply to serve for up to three years.  Those chosen to serve on DYLC are required to attend an orientation meeting May 10-12, 2013. For additional information and to apply, download the attached application.


Bible Studies and Breakfasts

Hello Family,
 Here are a few things to mark on your calendar and consider for the next few weeks:

2/24/13: EYC will be from 5 - 7:30 pm.  This will be our first Home Works Night with the help of Cliff Moore.  Home Works Nights will be a time of Christian growth and fun with a slant toward better understanding Christian mission work.  We will use this time to prepare ourselves for the Junior and Senior Home Works Trips.  There will be teamwork and camaraderie built during these EYC's that will continue on during our mission trips.

The sign up deadline for Augusta, GA (Junior High) is March 15, 2013.  The Augusta, GA, trip will cost $75 per person and occur on June 7 - 11.  There are 20 youth spaces available.

The sign up deadline for Johns Island, SC (Senior High) is March 22, 2013.  The Johns Island, SC, trip will cost $200 per person and occur on July 21 - 28.  There are 20 youth spaces available.

Unorthodox Christianity, our Youth Education Program begins Wednesday, February 20, 2013, until Wednesday, March 20, 2013.  The time will be between 5:30 - 6:30 pm in the Senior High Classroom.  The Lessons and discussion will be surrounding Hertics for Armchair Theologians by Justo L. Gonzalez.  This class will introduce our youth to important early church figures whose teachings were denounce by the church, and shaped Christianity into what it is today.

3/16/13:  On Saturday, March 16, St. John's EYC will be a part of the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Five Points.  We will be decorating the St. John's Bus as a float prior to the event.  More details will be given out soon.

Starting March 18:  On Mondays, the Senior High are invited to meet me from 6:30 - 7:30 am in the Senior High Classroom each week to begin our Senior High Bible Study.  Any youth without a drivers license will be dropped off at their respective school by me in the St. John's Bus.  More information soon!

Starting, Wednesday 20: On Wednesdays, all EYC are invited to enjoying breakfast at St. John's in the dining room of the Barr Center from 6:45 - 7:30 am.  Pancakes, bacon, and drinks will be served this first week.  The menu will change somewhat each time.  Any youth without a drivers license will be dropped off at their respective school by me in the St. John's Bus.  Moore information soon!

Things upcoming that should be looked at from my last post:

2/10/13: EYC will be from 5 - 6:30 pm.  EYC is combined today as we will be having a brief service.  To dust you shall return: We will begin our Lenten observance with a look at the things that separate us from God.  EYC will be helping Mrs. Georgianna Wheeler with the burning of the palms for Ash Wednesday.  As always, there will be fun with our lesson!

2/15 - 2/17/13:  Kanuga Parish Weekend!  The theme this year for Youth is "be still, and know that [He is] God."  We will take time to rest in God's presence and meditate on His faith in us.  Using scripture, poetry, art, and prayers to focus on gathering strength to face all the things that separate us from God.  And, of course, we will set aside some time for some craziness.  Who knows what other insanity will ensue?  Come, find out, and be a part of it all.

Sunday, March 3, 2013 will be ST. J'S CHILI COOK OFF from 5 pm - 7 pm.  This will be a fundraising event for our Youth, to help support events such as our summer mission trips.  Any and all parishioners may submit chili entries.  Prizes will be awarded!  For those who would like to attend there will be a $5 spoon fee: for tasting and voting.  You may purchase multiple spoons.  There will be an alternate menu - something other than chili - for those who prefer to stay away from the chili.  These plates can be purchased separately.  If you wish to submit an entry please contact: Chad C. Reis at ccr@stjohnscolumbia.org or 803-799-4767.

Also note:  That the EYC calendar is always up-to-date on the blog, if you have any questions visit: http://stjohnscolumbiayouth.blogspot.com/ and click the "Youth Calendar" link on the left hand side.