A site for news, events, photos, and stuff for youth at St. John's Episcopal Church in Columbia, SC.
A Few Things
Hello Friends,
A few dates to put in your calendars:
This week at EYC, October 28, we will be doing Trunk or Treat. We ask that as many of you as possible participate so that the younger members of the St. John's Community are able to have a fun event to attend. If you have a car, please bring it and decorate your trunk. If you do not have a car, or cannot drive, that's ok as well. We have cars that you can decorate! Those of you that wish to decorate we ask that you meet in the St. John's parking lot at 3 pm. The event will begin at 4pm and conclude at 6 pm. Afterwards, we will be going to the Richland Mall, to take a trip along the Dark Knight Terror Trail. For more information please go to https://www.facebook.com/TheDarkKnightsTerrorTrail. Their personal website seems to not be working. Please, bring friends. Afterwards, we will be eating at D's Wings by the Richland Mall. We need chaperones for this event. The ministry of a chaperone is very important to St. John's EYC.
November 4, Gordon Schell will be joining us at EYC to add music to our fun and praise. I am so thankful for his ability to join us.
November 11, from 2pm to 6 pm we will be going to Ballbusters paintball and be participating in an EYC paintball event. Friends are encouraged to come.
November 30 and December 1, coinciding for those who are not going to Happening, will be a class on icon painting with Mother Kelly Ayer. Originally, from Irmo, SC, now of Avon, NY. More information will be given soon. Friends are welcome to come and learn and paint as well.
December 8, from 9 am to 1 pm is our Harvest Hope event. Afterwards, we are working on a trip to Great Wolf Lodge indoor water park. As always, friends are welcome.
For those of you who wish to volunteer, or wish to continue to volunteer there is Safe Church Training - Saturday, November 3, from 8:45 - Noon at St. Martin's in the Fields, 520 Clemson Ave. Columbia, SC 2206. The Cost is $10. To register, contact Victoria Fleischer at victoria.fleischer@stmartinsinthefields.com or 787-0392. Remember, you must be Safe Church trained to work with EYC, and must be retrained every 5 years.
We will be looking into EYC Tee Shirts for all members of EYC. I will be asking for shirt sizes soon.
God Bless,
Greetings Friends,
Just to remind you that this week there WILL be EYC. EYC will be Sunday, from 5 pm to 6 pm with dinner served at 6 pm.
Also, what does toothpaste with tartar control, clothespins, and tennis balls have in common? Well, Come to EYC and find out!
Hello Friends,
On Sunday, November 4, Gordon Schell has agree to accompany our EYC event with his instrumental expertise.
Below are the Homeworks dates. They have been finalized. And we need you get in contact with me so that we can get you registered early so that there is no problems when we wish to leave for the mission trips. I was told by the good people at Homeworks to remind parents that the mission trips are there for the youth to do most of the work, and for the adults to supervise. Either way, we need adult volunteers! If you have further questions email me or Cliff Moore at cmoore@ellislawhorne.com. The cost of the Augusta, GA trip is $75. The cost of the Johns Island Trip is $200.
Saturday, April 20, 2013 - Spring Homeworks Blitz in Columbia
Thursday, June 7 - Tuesday, June 11, 2013 - Augusta, GA Trip (Jr. High)
Sunday, July 21 - Sunday, July 28, 2013 - Johns Island Trip (Sr. High)
Saturday, October 19 - Fall Homeworks Blitz in Columbia
Friday, December 27 - Monday, December 30, 2013 - Christmas Homeworks Trip
Remember to Like us on Facebook, and request to join the St. John's EYC Group!
Things to Remember
Hello All,
Below is some helpful reminders and miscellaneous house keeping things to keep you informed. Thanks!
Starting Sunday, October 28 - Sunday, December 22, EYC will be meeting in the Multipurpose Room in the basement of Heyward Hall. This is due to the Church Services being moved to the Gymnasium. I am truly sorry, and I humbly repent for the inconvenience.
The Homeworks Blitz is Saturday, October 20. This is a great time to be a part in Christ's mission in the world. We must remember what Jesus Christ said in Matthew 25:40 -- "Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me." (NRSV) Please, we need more youth to sign up! To sign up or for more information contact Bob Graham at bgraham@keenansuggs.com.
Along the same lines, Saturday, December 8, from 9 am t0 1 pm, we will be helping at Harvest Hope. They have asked if we can get between 12 - 15 volunteers, including adult volunteers. The Age requirement is that you must be in 8th grade to participate. Please, email me at stjohnscolumbia@gmail.com if you can make it. This is a great time to do hands-on ministry in our community and help our neighbors.
We are bringing back Tuesday mornings for Senior High. The Senior High will meet at Panera Bread on Garners Ferry at 7:00 am. This will be some one-on-one time with Me -- Chad. This is the Senior High's time to talk about what they want to. They will have my undivided attention! It will also be time to fellowship. We will wrap up around 7:45 am, so everyone can make it to class on time. Tuesday morning breakfast will start beginning Tuesday, October 23, and will continue as long as there is interest. The exact address is 6080 Garners Ferry Road, Colubmia, SC 29209. Remember Matthew 18:20 -- "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them" (ESV)
The Ski Trip is Friday, January 18 to Sunday, January 20. This is for all EYC aged youth (6th - 12th). There is need based scholarships available for EYC youth to go on this trip. We also need one chaperone for every five youth. Your ministry is crucial! Send me an email if you'd like to join us on this trip. I need a good head count by the first week in November so that I can book the reservations. Otherwise, I'll have to cancel. "Does the snow of Lebanon ever vanish from its rocky slopes?" -- Jeremiah 18:14 (NIV). Let's hope that it doesn't vanish from where ever we ski!
Anyone who wishes to start volunteering, or anyone who wants to continue volunteering for EYC or Sunday School, please contact me. We need to make sure everyone is Safe Church trained.
The Confirmation Class will be going on retreat at Camp Gravatt on Saturday, October 20 to Sunday, October 21. I will be accompanying them, and teaching them about the Sacrament. There still will be EYC that Sunday night. I will be out of the office that Monday, October 22.
EYC this week will start at 5 pm on Sunday, October 14. The youths will be getting messy at EYC, so please have them dress appropriately. Old clothing is a best bet. The schedule for EYC this upcoming week is as follows:
15 minutes of opening devotion and discussion
30 minutes of games
15 minutes of "secret activity"
Happy Centennial!
Below is some helpful reminders and miscellaneous house keeping things to keep you informed. Thanks!
Starting Sunday, October 28 - Sunday, December 22, EYC will be meeting in the Multipurpose Room in the basement of Heyward Hall. This is due to the Church Services being moved to the Gymnasium. I am truly sorry, and I humbly repent for the inconvenience.
The Homeworks Blitz is Saturday, October 20. This is a great time to be a part in Christ's mission in the world. We must remember what Jesus Christ said in Matthew 25:40 -- "Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me." (NRSV) Please, we need more youth to sign up! To sign up or for more information contact Bob Graham at bgraham@keenansuggs.com.
Along the same lines, Saturday, December 8, from 9 am t0 1 pm, we will be helping at Harvest Hope. They have asked if we can get between 12 - 15 volunteers, including adult volunteers. The Age requirement is that you must be in 8th grade to participate. Please, email me at stjohnscolumbia@gmail.com if you can make it. This is a great time to do hands-on ministry in our community and help our neighbors.
We are bringing back Tuesday mornings for Senior High. The Senior High will meet at Panera Bread on Garners Ferry at 7:00 am. This will be some one-on-one time with Me -- Chad. This is the Senior High's time to talk about what they want to. They will have my undivided attention! It will also be time to fellowship. We will wrap up around 7:45 am, so everyone can make it to class on time. Tuesday morning breakfast will start beginning Tuesday, October 23, and will continue as long as there is interest. The exact address is 6080 Garners Ferry Road, Colubmia, SC 29209. Remember Matthew 18:20 -- "For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them" (ESV)
The Ski Trip is Friday, January 18 to Sunday, January 20. This is for all EYC aged youth (6th - 12th). There is need based scholarships available for EYC youth to go on this trip. We also need one chaperone for every five youth. Your ministry is crucial! Send me an email if you'd like to join us on this trip. I need a good head count by the first week in November so that I can book the reservations. Otherwise, I'll have to cancel. "Does the snow of Lebanon ever vanish from its rocky slopes?" -- Jeremiah 18:14 (NIV). Let's hope that it doesn't vanish from where ever we ski!
Anyone who wishes to start volunteering, or anyone who wants to continue volunteering for EYC or Sunday School, please contact me. We need to make sure everyone is Safe Church trained.
The Confirmation Class will be going on retreat at Camp Gravatt on Saturday, October 20 to Sunday, October 21. I will be accompanying them, and teaching them about the Sacrament. There still will be EYC that Sunday night. I will be out of the office that Monday, October 22.
EYC this week will start at 5 pm on Sunday, October 14. The youths will be getting messy at EYC, so please have them dress appropriately. Old clothing is a best bet. The schedule for EYC this upcoming week is as follows:
15 minutes of opening devotion and discussion
30 minutes of games
15 minutes of "secret activity"
Happy Centennial!
Thank you
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Dear All,
I would like to thank all of you that came out to EYC, and the meet and greet afterwards. Your welcoming was very heartfelt and an amazing outpouring of love. I can tell that you truly love St. John’s, and it brings me joy to be a part of such a devoted and warm parish. I hope my ministry is as blessed as the many ministries that you all encompass. I look forward to meeting those of you that could not make it tonight, and ask that all of you pray for me and the growth of our youth program.
Chad C. Reis
office: 803.799.4767
cell: 610.509.9146
EYC Ski Trip!
Hello All,
Just to let you know the EYC Ski Trip will be happening Friday, January 18 - Sunday, January 20, 2013. That Monday, January 21, is the celebration of Martin Luther King Day. This should give everyone a day to recuperate after all the fun! Please RSVP as soon as possible because I want to know how many tickets need to be purchased for the trip. Please, RSVP if you need lessons as well. There is a few places that we are looking at depending on the group size. We are looking into some sort of souvenir. Also, parents and volunteers: please RSVP if you can chaperone. Your ministry is crucial to us!
Confirmed Dates
Hello All,
Here are a few dates that have been set in stone for EYC that I would like you to put on your calendars:
Saturday, October 20 - Homeworks Blitz
Diocese: Friday, October 26 to Sunday, October 28 - Junior High Retreat
Diocese: Friday, November 2 - Deadline for Happening #68 Candidates Application
Diocese: Friday, November 30 to Sunday, December 2 - Happening #68
Saturday, December 8 - Harvest Hope, 9 am to 1 pm
Diocese: Friday, February 22 - Deadline for Happening #69 Candidates Application
Friday, February 15 to Sunday, February 17 - Parish Kanuga Retreat
**Need based scholarships available
Diocese: Monday, March 18 - Deadline for New Beginnings (Middle School) Candidates Application
Diocese: Thursday, March 21 to Sunday, March 24 - Happening #69
Diocese: Friday, April 26 to Sunday, April 28 - New Beginnings (Middle School)
Thursday, June 7 to Monday, June 11 - Homeworks, Jr. High Mission Trip to Augusta, GA.
This week in EYC!
Hello All,
I hope to see you this Sunday at EYC! I'm very excited to meet you all. Below is our schedule.
October 7, 2012
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm: Middle School and Senior High
Sr. High will lead the programing & games for Middle School (How to Share Your Faith), PLUS come out and meet and support St. John's new Youth Minister, ME! Chad C. Reis.
PARENTS - You are invited to join the youth in the Barr Center at 6:30 pm for Ice Cream and to meet me. Please, bring the whole family.
Welcome To EYC
Dear All,
We would like to welcome you to another year of Episcopal Young Churchmen (EYC), and tell you that there will be lots going on at St. John’s this year. St. John’s is putting emphasis on fun, education, and faith in our EYC programing. The calendar for the year should be out shortly, and will be emailed for your convenience. It will also appear on our website, on the youth blog, and on Facebook.
I am Chad Reis, and I would like to introduce myself to you and your family as the new youth minister at St. John’s Episcopal Church, Shandon. I have a calling for youth work and Christian education. I have completed a Master in Divinity from the University of the South, and have taken multiple classes in children and young adult ministry. I’ve taught Confirmation, Christian history, and theology classes. I’ve led Bible studies, and am an Education for Ministry mentor. If you have any questions about me or St. John’s EYC, please, do not hesitate to contact me. Suggestions are always welcome, as well.
Chad C. Reis
Director of Youth Ministries
St. John's Episcopal Church
2827 Wheat Street
Columbia, SC 29205
(t) 803.799.4767
Director of Youth Ministries
St. John's Episcopal Church
2827 Wheat Street
Columbia, SC 29205
(t) 803.799.4767
(c) 610.509.9146
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