“24” Fall Retreat
“Power Up Your Prayer Life”
September 29-30 at Camp Gravatt
For 9-12 grade youth
Designed by youth for youth, this year’s “24” will focus on the who,
what, when, where, why, and how of your prayer life. By asking these questions,
you will establish connections between your prayer life, your spirituality and
your faith. You will be equipped with the tools you need to deepen your prayer
life, and help you to develop habits to continue living out prayer, scripture,
and the apostles’ teachings in your daily life.
The $50 per person fee includes dinner Saturday through lunch on
overnight accommodations in cabins or platform tents, event
materials, and
t-shirt. Youth and chaperones must submit completed registration
form with
payment to EDUSC by September 9th. Registration forms
are available for your convenience at EDUSC.org/youth.
Kellie Wilson