September 4th-Memorial Day, NO EYC
September 11-EYC Kickoff
Close Family Lake House-148/152 Spence Shores Ct., Lexington.
Our yearly pilgrimage to the Close family Lake House is on again this year. Cool water, good food and great friends! What could be better? If you are new to St. John's or are just interested in youth ministry, this is the perfect event to come to. If you are an old hat at EYC, this is a great time to get caught up with your friends from the summer! The whole family is also invited. BBQ Dinner, boating, tubing, swimming, and much more. Please bring a side, snack or drink. If you need a ride on the bus, we will depart St. John’s at 2pm.
September 18th-EYC @ St. John's
September 24-25th-"24"
Camp Gravatt
Cost:$50 Registration Deadline: September 5th
Act Out with Jesus: Actions Speak Louder than Words
Matthew 21:23-32
"24" is an opportunity to for Senior High youth to gather at Camp Gravatt for 24 hours of building relationships with each other and God – through learning, worship, and fun. The event begins with registration on Saturday at 12:00 pm followed by lunch and program and concludes after lunch on Sunday which begins at 12:30 pm.
September 25th-EYC @ St. John's-Scavenger Hunt!
Looking ahead!
October 14-16- Junior High Fall Retreat
Camp Gravatt
Cost:$75 Registration Deadline: September 30th
"Work of faith, labor of love”
1 Thessalonians 1:3
Tuesday Morning Breakfast
Join your friends for breakfast at Panera on Garners Ferry Road at 7:15 AM on Tuesdays beginning September 13th
Come, meet, talk, eat, and enjoy fellowship