
St. John's Youth Email Update Vol 93

Grace and peace, my friends! Many apologies if this is the second time you have received the update from me. I sent this out earlier today, and it has not appeared in my inbox or another mailbox I send it to to have it backed up for future reference. So, here it is again.

Thank you so much for all your help at Harvest Eve. It was very well attended, even despite the nasty weather. It seems that everyone had a great time as well. Thank you for all your hard work in cooking, serving, setting up, and everything else. You are so greatly appreciated! I should have pics of the event up by tomorrow.

Sr. High Sunday School...please come this Sunday to write notes and put together care packages for our college freshmen. In fact, all youth on Sunday will have a chance to contribute. Also, come learn all about the Advent Conspiracy.

See you then!!

SR HIGH SKI TRIP (Grades 9-12)

Jan 8-10

Cost $165

If you have not submitted your deposit, please do so ASAP.

Final Payment is Due on Dec. 7th

Click the link above for more info and full schedule.


EYC is always 5-7PM

Unless otherwise noted

Nov 29 NO EYC

Dec 6 EYC Movie Night (ELF?)

Bring a friend, a sleeping bag/blanket, a pillow, and some comfy pj's

And join us for some good food, cool people, and a great movie.

Dec 13 EYC Visiting Shut-ins (at Still Hopes and other places)

Dec 20 EYC Christmas Party (Details TBA)
Dec 27 NO EYC

November 29 -- Advent 1
9:00 + Holy Eucharist 11:15 + Holy Eucharist
Crucifer/Server Austin McCoy Will Norris
Torch/Candles Madelon Kneece Maddie Norris
Torch/Candles Patrick Kneece Thomas Weatherwax


SR HIGH SS: Faith Lens (SR High) Connecting current events with faith

JR HIGH SS: The Life of Christ (JR High) Who is Jesus?

CONFIRMATION: My Faith, My Life (10th grade) meets in Room215.

St. John's EYC Web Albums


-> Downhere: a very cool alternative pop rockish type group. They are a bunch of fun. They have a new Christmas album (and I am, admittedly, a sucker for some good Christmas music), and you can check out tracks on their site.

-> Hawk Nelson: they are a fun pop punk rawk type band. Lots of energy and very fun. They have a new album, and if you happen to have a pair of 3D glasses lying around, you can check out their myspace page in 3D. Pretty cool.


There are 10 human body parts that are only three letters long. (leg arm hip eye ear toe jaw rib gum lip)


Praise God even when you don't understand what He is doing.

- Henry Jacobson

If you want to change your life, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily.

- Gerald Good

Q: What is a vampire's favorite fruit?
A: Neck-tarines

Dorian Del Priore

Director of Youth Ministries

St. John's Episcopal Church


803-799-4767 Office

803-518-1827 Mobile

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