
Wacky and Busy Weekend!

Hey there folks,

This past weekend was a wild and crazy one. Saturday, to kick it all off, an intergenerational group got together to volunteer their time for the Fall Home Works Blitz. Brandon Templeton headed up the project. The installed new doors inside, installed new railings on the back stoop, cleaned the yard, and did a whole lot more.

At about lunch time, we had another group head down to Gravatt for 24 (Sr High Fall Retreat). The theme was the Wizard of Awes. Very cool stuff. The weekend was filled with discussions, sharing, singing, games, free time, prayer, the Eucharist, and a whole lot more. It was a great weekend learning how God is with you in the tornadoes and the Emerald Cities of life. We also explored how to respond to God's blessings. Great stuff.

Before the weekend kicked off, I went to the Hammond vs Heathwood B Team football game. We had a few youth on Hammond's team: Samuel Miller (#62), Lang Phillips (#15), and Wells Mealing (#77). They played hard, but unfortunately did not come out on top. It was great to see them in action!

Check out all the pics below:


Home Works Blitz

Hammond vs. Heathwood




When: Jan 8-10
Cost: $165
Where: Winterplace

Trip Includes: 2 nights hotel lodging, 1 day lift ticket (Sat) and ski rental, 1 lunch voucher, continental breakfast, and a ski trip tshirt.
Different Upgrades will be available for a cost: snowboard, etc. You may also be able to receive a credit if you have your own equipment.

Nov 15: $65 Deposit Due (sign ups are allowed after this date)
Dec 7: Final Payment Due (If you have not submitted payment by this date, you will be dropped from the trip)

NON-SKIER -56.00


Itinerary (subject to change):

Friday, January 8, 2009
3:30pm Meet at St. John's
4pm Depart St. John's
9pm Check in AT Winterplace for skis/lift tickets, etc
10-11pm Arrive and check into hotel
10:45pm Group meeting
11:15pm Adult Meeting in the lobby of our hotel.

Saturday, January 9, 2009
6am Continental breakfast
7am Morning Prayer
7:15am Depart for Winterplace (drive is 15 minutes) Rentals open at Winterplace
8am Slopes open
SKI ALL DAY- Lunch at slopes at the Winterplace (we will be given vouchers)
Dinner (TBD)
10-11pm Evening Worship

Sunday, January 10, 2009