We will leave the church at 5pm and return at 7:30. We will take the bus and caravan.
Parents, feel free to join us, and bring friends! Bring a bathing suit and if you’d like, your favorite party food. If you want to meet us at the pool, here are the directions:
I-77 N, take Exit 22 (Killian Rd), Right off the exit. This turns into Clemson. At the 3rd light, take a Left onto Hardscrabble. You will pass: Sonic (R), Publix (L), and Ridgeview HS (L).
Lake Carolina entrance will be on the Right after passing the Lake on your Right. Go to fountain. Go straight across the fountain (2nd Right off circle) onto Lake Carolina Blvd. Pool is 2 blocks on Right. Let the guard know you are with St. John’s.
See you there!