Come join us on October 20-21, 2007 and Experience Camp Gravatt like you never have before – because – “A lot can happen in one day!” This event will pack as much learning, worship, fun and games, and celebration into one full 24 hour period as is possible – and still provide for 8 hours of sleep time. We will explore three areas – wrestling with God, learning ways to carry out our mission to the fullest extent, and how we can live into the calling of the Great Commission.
We will gather at 12:00 noon on Saturday, October 20 beginning with registration and followed by lunch. The rest of our activities will be packed into the next 8 hours before we crash for the night. Our day will begin again in earnest on Sunday morning until we conclude with lunch, which is scheduled to begin at 12:01 pm. All participants will depart following lunch.
All participants, youth and adult, must fill out an Individual Registration Form and pay the fee of $50. We will collect these forms and turn in a Congregational Registration Form and 1/2 of the fee no later than Friday, October 5th.
Check should be made payable to: EDUSC. For every 1 to 5 youth present, we will need at least one adult sponsor present who is expected to be at least 21 years old. For further information on policies and procedures or to download forms, please see the diocesan youth web site.
Register now for this amazing experience before it's too late! It may seem like you have plenty of time, but "a lot can happen in one day" so register today!!
If you have any questions about registration or this new event, please don't hesitate to contact Bethany Human, bhuman@edusc.org.